Friends, Companions and Pilgrims of the Ways of Santiago.

I hope you have faced and overcome the year of the pandemic, as well as possible.

My congratulations to

Those who have walked or traveled through the different pilgrimage routes

Those who have had to be convalescent or confined in hospitals or in their homes

Those who have been maintaining shelters or other places of reception or providing help to pilgrims in transit

Those of you who have been involved in the organization of events or workshops to promote or disseminate “values ​​and sectors” around the Camino

And my wish that the next Holy Year 2021 we will all come through it successfully and continue on.

Opening Roads and pilgrimage through the various routes, of the different countries that unite us.

Maintaining the Fraternal feelings and Solidarity. And welcoming  all the pilgrims, whatever their origin, race, belief and the reason for their “coming to the road.”

Ultreia et Suseia.


J.Luis Fernández Ansedes. President of the Association “Abriendo Camino” of Friends of the Camino de Santiago, of Mondoñedo-Lugo and Vice President for Galicia of the Association of Associations “Camino de Santiago del Norte”